Thankyou to everybody who has already subscribed to this substack. I’m excited to turn this into something worth following.
“Longstreet Farm” is a comic from a few years back, but I feel like one of my stronger comic essays, and it’s not currently available online elsewhere. This was made during a point when I was feeling very in-the-groove in terms of writing short philosophical pieces, but just before I properly embraced making comics meant to be read scrolled on a screen. When I look back on this, I feel like it was written by a different person, and from this vantage point, I really enjoy the choices Past Mike made, particularly the ways the panels play around with time and the playing card motif. Unfortunately, those choices have made this a difficult comic to publish on a website like twitter or Instagram. But this substack interface just might be a good way to enjoy it properly again.
I am not currently a vegetarian, though I go through occasional bouts of it.